Photo of child in provocation of emotions: responsibility of 'Prothom Alo'

  নিউজ ডেস্ক
  প্রকাশিতঃ বিকাল ০৩:২৩, শনিবার, ১ এপ্রিল, ২০২৩, ১৮ চৈত্র ১৪৩০

Analysts say that the countries or international organizations supporting Prothom Alo's non-journalism for the sake of freedom of journalism or media, would they have supported a child in their own country if they used it immorally? Would they have jumped for it? Questions are everywhere.

(1) After the journalist Sagar-Runi's murder, their child was presented to the media, various individuals and organizations working on children and human rights, including Prothom Alo, raised objections to the question of the child's mental safety.

(2) Asking questions or creating questionnaires is considered to be the most sensitive issue for children in primary school.

(3) There is a provision to exercise extreme caution in the representation of children in advertising images or the representation of content using children. 

(4) Even the presentation of children in electronic or print media has to follow certain internationally accepted norms. In many countries of the world it is considered as a legal framework or scope.

However, the country's leading newspaper Daily Prothom Alo used a picture of a child to provoke people's emotions and questioned the country's independence on economic standards. It also questioned the freedom of the press.

Using the picture of the child, the newspaper said, "If you don't get rice in your stomach, what can you do with freedom?" When you go to the market, Sweat runs off. We needed freedom of fish, meat and choice.

Does freedom mean only being able to eat fish and meat or eat three meals to your heart's content?
Such a base attempt to limit this freedom gained by the blood of three million martyrs to a bracket is not only sad but also despicable. Because the word freedom is very broad and rich in many contributions.

International guidelines on journalism ethics require extreme caution in using a child's image. The child's parent must obtain permission after fully explaining the costs, benefits and risks. Using his picture without permission is a serious violation of journalistic ethics.

In addition, it is a serious violation of the Declaration on the Protection of Children's Rights (Article Sixteen) according to the International Convention on the Rights of the Child. Even the way Prothom Alo has used the film involves cheating the readers.

On the other hand, in questioning the child, the child's age, psychological maturity, safety or risk, should be taken into consideration.

It is noted that the editor of the world famous New York Times had to resign for publishing politically motivated news. The News of Times of London had to go bankrupt due to a million dollar fine. But that culture has not been developed in Bangladesh.

According to analysts, giving a bribe of 10 Tk to a child, using his picture and name in violation of journalism principles and the International Child Rights Charter, and using his picture and name to serve him wrongly, that too on the Independence Day, how shameful and unethical! Prothom Alo authorities do not understand that, or those who speak for them in the national and international arena!

Analysts say that the countries or international organizations supporting Prothom Alo's non-journalism for the sake of freedom of journalism or media, would they have supported a child in their own country if they used it immorally? Would they have jumped for it? Questions are everywhere.

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